- Introduction
- Our Vision & Mission
- Our Team
- Hierarchy Level
- Advisory & Selection Committee
- National Linkages
- International Linkages
Sukkur IBA University assigns utmost importance to entrepreneurship. Under the patronage of Management of Sukkur IBA University, a unique and innovative journey of the establishment of Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Incubation (CEL&Inc.) took place in 2012. It was an ambitious plan to do something that has never been attempted in the region by any other institute. The CEL&Inc. helps to translate new and innovative ideas into economically viable products and services with aim to contribute vibrant tech and agro based economy in Pakistan, which is achieved through innovation culture, incubation, collaboration, entrepreneurship curriculum development, entrepreneurial research, conferences, community interventions, mentorship and global outreach programs. The CEL&Inc. provides support to young entrepreneurs in the form of consultations and connecting them with national and international market through its existing network. The management of CEL&Inc. is convinced and determined that entrepreneurship is the solution for youth employment and for economic development of the country. Keeping in view the importance of entrepreneurship CEL&Inc. supports students, alumni, aspiring entrepreneurs, SMEs and members of local community in materializing their entrepreneurial dreams.
Our Vision & Mission
Our vision is to contribute in developing a robust, vibrant, tech and agri based economy in Pakistan by developing entrepreneurial ecosystem, culture and practices that will support entrepreneurs and innovative start-up businesses.
Our mission is to offer University-driven platform and researched solutions those are relevant to national needs and adjustable to the national context through collaboration of efforts by HEC, university, state and corporate sector.
Our Team

Hierarchy Level

Advisory & Selection Committee
Vice Chancellor Sukkur IBA University
Director Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership & Incubation Sukkur IBA.
Director Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization.
Assistant Prof. Sukkur IBA University.
National Linkages

International Linkages